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Welcome to an 8-week journey through The Tabernacle. God has made Himself known in many places throughout the earth. But in the midst of the desert, God gave His people a special place to meet with Him - the Tabernacle. This mobile house of God became the centerpiece for a nation on the move and a way for the people to encounter His presence wherever they go. Thank you for joining the journey as God reveals the true meaning of the Tabernacle that is fulfilled in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.
This book can also be purchased in our Frazer Bookstore. Visit our "Frazer Church" App, where, under our Resources tab, you'll find both written and audio versions of our The Tabernacle devotionals.
Welcome to a 56-day journey through The Letters of John. No other writer in Scripture highlights the qualities of God’s light, love, and life the way John does. These short letters will guide us into a stronger and deeper fellowship with the God who loves to shine His light into our darkness.
This book can also be purchased in our Frazer Bookstore. Visit our "Frazer Church" App, where, under our Resources tab, you'll find both written and audio versions of our The Letters of John devotionals.
In a world that seems to be fading and losing its color, a light has been and is still bursting through. What does this light bring? In a word, hope. Hope is more than wishful thinking. It is more valuable than gold. And while hope seems to be in short supply today, it is still being offered to each of us. Join us on a five week journey as we learn how to live with hope once again.
This book can also be purchased in our Frazer Bookstore. Visit our "Frazer Church" App, where, under our Resources tab, you'll find both written and audio versions of our Never Lose Hope devotionals.
Have you ever sensed that God was calling you to do something? If you are like most followers of Christ, you have not only sensed God’s calling, but you have also struggled with God’s calling. The good news is that you are not alone. With Jonah as our guide and example, over twenty-eight days, we will explore the highs and lows of experiencing and living into God’s call on your life.
This book can also be purchased in our Frazer Bookstore. Visit our "Frazer Church" App, where, under our Resources tab, you'll find both written and audio versions of our Jonah devotionals.
Join us for 28 days as we answer the following questions: In all the ebbs and flows of life, what if joy was more of a choice and less of an unfulfilled desire? What if you were told that joy could be yours no matter what life is trying to take from you? And then to stretch you a little further, what if you were promised a kind of joy that you could give to others? All of this is possible and more. Join us as we discover and live in God’s limitless joy.
This book can also be purchased in our Frazer Bookstore. Visit our "Frazer Church" App, where, under our Resources tab, you can find both written and audio versions of our Joy devotionals.
Every Christ follower is issued a simple and yet profound invitation. It is an invitation to follow. However, this is not an invitation to follow blindly. It is an invitation to follow in the footsteps of Christ himself. If you dare to accept the challenge to follow “In His Steps,” you will join a long line of faithful followers who have gone before you - both within Frazer Church and around the world. Picking up this book and committing to the path is the first step on your journey. So, take the first step and let us enjoy each step together along the way. You will never be the same.
This book can also be purchased in our Frazer Bookstore. Visit our "Frazer Church" App, where, under our Resources tab, you'll soon find both written and audio versions of our In His Steps devotionals.
The book of Joshua may seem like ancient history, but it is actually a manual for victorious living. If we dare open its pages, we will find a wealth of knowledge that will inspire and inform the reader through relevant faith lessons that can be applied to modern followers of Christ.
This book can also be purchased in our Frazer Bookstore. Visit our "Frazer Church" App, where, under our Resources tab, you'll find both written and audio versions of our Joshua devotionals.
The book of Joshua may seem like ancient history, but it is actually a manual for victorious living. If we dare open its pages, we will find a wealth of knowledge that will inspire and inform the reader through relevant faith lessons that can be applied to modern followers of Christ.
This book can also be purchased in our Frazer Bookstore. Visit our "Frazer Church" App, where, under our Resources tab, you'll find both written and audio versions of our Joshua devotionals.
Welcome to a six-week journey through the book of Colossians. This short letter uses some of the loftiest language in all of Scripture to describe Jesus. Colossians contends for the supremacy of Christ in a culture of plurality and an age of moral relativism. The truth revealed in these four chapters and ninety-five verses teaches the reader to know the Master and live His mission.
You may also visit our "Frazer Church" App, where, under our Resources tab, you'll find both written and audio versions of our Colossians devotionals.
This Study Guide was created with the intent that all of us during this Lenten Season might re-visit our understanding of prayer. Instead of creating a source with daily readings, we have determined that a once-a-week Lesson Plan would be helpful in guiding small group leaders and Sunday morning classes with material that would be thought provoking, interactive, and beneficial to the individual or group participating in the Lesson plans.
Welcome to a journey. It is not an easy journey. It is not a short journey. But it is probably a journey we all need.
The road from betrayal to forgiveness is uphill and hard. Most things in life that are worth fighting for are. In this 28-day devotional, we are going to take this journey together. Step by step. Each step will take us one step closer to the freedom we dream of and wish for. For this journey, God will be our guide and Joseph will be our example.
Together, let’s follow God’s leading and learn from Joseph’s life.
You may also visit our "Frazer Church" App, where, under our Resources tab, you'll find both written and audio versions of our Finding Forgiveness devotionals.
Join us as we embark on a journey entitled Pictures of Grace. According to the genealogy of Jesus in Matthew 1:1-15, the following five women are included: Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, and Mary.
Each of these ladies are clear pictures and vivid reminders of God’s marvelous grace. And last time we checked, there is not a person on the planet (past, present, or future) that doesn’t need the unmerited favor of Almighty God.
Therefore, this study and these devotionals are for all of us.
You may also visit our "Frazer Church" App, where, under our Resources tab, you'll find both written and audio versions of our Pictures of Grace devotionals.