Worship Schedule

  • 8:30 AM Worship Service
  • 9:45 AM Discipleship Hour
  • 11:00 AM Worship Service
  • 6:00 PM Heritage Worship

We'd love to talk!

To get more information about Frazer, text "Connect" to 334.544.1404.
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“The most important commandment is this: ‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.’ The second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” –Jesus

Prayer Commitment Card

Join our Frazer Family in prayer - for our ministries, mission partners, and for our established prayer groups. Also, pray as we look for neighborhood and city prayer leaders.

Click the link below to choose a minimum of 1 ministry area & 1 mission partner.

Prayer Commitment Card  →

2023-2024 Serving Opportunities

Take your next step in following Jesus by using your gifts to serve others! Browse the flier below to view areas needed for the year (through July of 2024), then click the sign-up link to join the team.

Click below to sign up to serve.

Sign Up Here  →


The mission of God is to bring heaven on earth—help for the hurting, healing for the sick, justice for the oppressed, and freedom for all. We partner in God's mission and build the kingdom of God as we give our lives to love our neighbor as ourselves.

Explore Mission Opportunities  →

Baptism and Membership

Baptism is an outward sign of God's inward grace, signifying that a person has died to their old way of life and be raised with Christ to a new life, having been cleansed from sin and set apart for service. 

Church Membership is more than belonging to a human organization. The local church is a part of the universal Body of Christ, the visible presence of God in the world. Those seeking membership are invited to take vows to uphold the ministry and mission of the Church through their prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness.

To talk to a pastor about Baptism, or to begin the process of becoming a church member, fill out our Connection Card.

Connection Card  →