Worship Schedule

  • 8:30 AM Worship Service
  • 9:45 AM Discipleship Hour
  • 11:00 AM Worship Service
  • 6:00 PM Heritage Worship

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Local Missions

Transformation Montgomery

Transformation Montgomery, Inc., is a faith-based community development organization in Montgomery, Alabama. Our current work is focused in the Garden Square neighborhood located in the Chisholm area of north Montgomery. We have a two-pronged approach: Renovating houses to make affordable homes available, and investing in the community through education at our Transformation Center Preschool.

Learn More →

James 1:27

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."


God has always had a “tender spot” in His heart for orphans. In fact, He calls himself a “father to the fatherless” (Psalm 68:5). The Bible calls Christians to care for orphans, to “vindicate the weak and fatherless” (Psalm 82:3) and “visit them in their distress” (James 1:27). ONEfamily is an initiative of Frazer to expand our response to that calling.


Adoption Bringing a child permanently into your family is a big decision; at least as big as having a child biologically. There are financial, legal, and relationship issues to consider. However, scores of Frazer families have sought the Lord and followed His guidance to adopt, both internationally and domestically, and found that the rewards are incalculable. ONEfamily comes alongside parents in the journey of discovering if adoption may be right for their family.

Foster Care

Providing a temporary home to a child during a difficult time in life has its own set of challenges, but it is hard to imagine a way to minister to children that could have more impact than life-on-life investment in your own home. OneFamily works with Montgomery County DHR to provide training for those exploring becoming foster families.

Orphan Care

Frazer supports children in need in the United States through United Methodist Children's Homes and other local agencies, as well as internationally through missionaries focused on orphan care.

Contact OneFamily →

Widows Ministry

Psalm 68:5

Father to the fatherless, defender of widows- this is God, whose dwelling is holy.

Frazer's Widow Care Team is in place to lend a helping hand with light projects around your home, or advice on who to call.

The Widow Care Line is 334-495-6401. Please leave your name and number. Please only use this number to reach the Widow Care Team.

Jim Vinson, our lay coordinator, will return your call within 24 hours.

Community Ministries

Through Community Missions Frazer reaches out to meet some of the basic needs of our fellow community members, whether through blood drives, financial assistance, personal care items or help with setting a monthly budget.

Community Ministries Staff

Other Local Missions

We offer a variety of service opportunities to impact our local community including: mentoring and tutoring, prison ministry, blood drives, meal service, and home repair. In addition, our In Christ’s Way Ministry helps those needing assistance with paying their bills. We also support numerous agencies around the city.

Supported Missionaries

Here are some of the local missionaries that Frazer supports financially.