Worship Schedule
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Sun, Mar
Encounter God's presence through music, prayer, and preaching centered on Jesus Christ.
Encounter God's presence through music, prayer, and preaching centered on Jesus Christ.
Sundays at 6:00 PM in the Chapel, we invite you to gather for “Heritage,” a time for those who enjoy traditional Southern-gospel style music to sing hymns, fellowship, and hear an encouraging message from Pastor Neil.
Tue, Apr
Find help and healing for the hurt of separation and divorce.
Wed, Apr
This GriefShare group is offered for anyone who has lost a loved one.
Join us for our study on the Book of Revelation, led by Pastor Chris, in the Worship Center.
A new session of our group “Beautifully Broken” begins March 12 at 6 PM in Room 9054.
Sun, Apr
Support our Backpack Ministry - which helps children attending local elementary schools who are facing food insecurity on the weekends.
Give the gift of life! Frazer will host a Blood Drive near the Tugboat in the Atrium.
Support our Backpack Ministry - which helps children attending local elementary schools who are facing food insecurity on the weekends.
Encounter God's presence through music, prayer, and preaching centered on Jesus Christ.
Pastor Chris leads our next orientation on Sunday, April 6, at 9:30 AM in the East Sanctuary.
Our "In the Garden" tea event is designed for you to gather with your mothers, daughters, grandmothers, girlfriends and mentors for tea (wear your favorite hat!), a light lunch, and an inspiring message as we celebrate the gifts of Spring and build relationships.
Encounter God's presence through music, prayer, and preaching centered on Jesus Christ.
Ladies, join us for a Flower Arranging Workshop at 12:15 PM in the Parlor.
Sundays at 6:00 PM in the Chapel, we invite you to gather for “Heritage,” a time for those who enjoy traditional Southern-gospel style music to sing hymns, fellowship, and hear an encouraging message from Pastor Neil.
Tue, Apr
Find help and healing for the hurt of separation and divorce.
Wed, Apr
This GriefShare group is offered for anyone who has lost a loved one.
A new session of our group “Beautifully Broken” begins March 12 at 6 PM in Room 9054.
Sat, Apr
Transformation Montgomery will have a Serve Day April 12 from 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM.
Sun, Apr
Encounter God's presence through music, prayer, and preaching centered on Jesus Christ.
A musical experience at both our 8:30 AM and 11 AM worship services as we commemorate the entrance of Christ into Jerusalem.
Encounter God's presence through music, prayer, and preaching centered on Jesus Christ.
Sundays at 6:00 PM in the Chapel, we invite you to gather for “Heritage,” a time for those who enjoy traditional Southern-gospel style music to sing hymns, fellowship, and hear an encouraging message from Pastor Neil.
Tue, Apr
Find help and healing for the hurt of separation and divorce.
Wed, Apr
This GriefShare group is offered for anyone who has lost a loved one.
An interactive prayer experience that allows you to move at your own pace through a series of meaningful encounters that recreate Jesus' final hours as He journeyed towards the cross.
A new session of our group “Beautifully Broken” begins March 12 at 6 PM in Room 9054.
Thu, Apr
An interactive prayer experience that allows you to move at your own pace through a series of meaningful encounters that recreate Jesus' final hours as He journeyed towards the cross.
Men, join our Men’s Ministry for a time of fellowship in The Gathering Place at 5:30 PM.